Ben Salazar, who was a production assistant on the film BELIEVE IN ME that was also filmed in Clovis , called me about the film coming to town. He also told me that there weren’t too many parts, but they were looking for a Travel Coordinator.

What’s a travel coordinator? Well, you have 150 cast and crew members, and you have to keep them all straight and know where they all are! Fly ‘em in… keep track of what hotel room they are in…. how long do they stay… do they get a vehicle… who picks them up and when… well, you get the drift.
We work 12 hour days (8 am to 8 pm ) 6 days a week (Sunday is our off day). Right now we are working in a location with no air conditioning, only swamp coolers. So on these hot, humid days… it gets downright uncomfortable.
Here’s a photo of Ben. He’s the Production Secretary on the film.
Here’s a photo of Ben. He’s the Production Secretary on the film.
The best part about Ben is his wonderful smile and the fact that he likes to laugh. You wouldn’t want to be 12 hours in a room without laughter!! Ben knows everyone in town, so that makes it easy when the production company needs something. Ben always knows where to get it, or who to call to find out where to get it!
Paul Hunton is a Production Assistant on the film.
He’s fro
m Portales where he graduated from ENMU in communications. He has already owned his own video production company and is working on a script that he has entered in the Duke City Shoot-out. It has already won third place in the New Mexico Film Commission Governor’s Cup. Good luck to him!

So that’s the latest update about SEASONS OF DUST, a film about the dust bowl in the late ‘20’s. Watch for more pictures and stories in the days ahead.
Ciao Bella, Darlings!
update: The film never did get made... and I'm sorry to say, no one who worked on it for several weeks got paid either. HHrrmmm.....