It's that time again... Book Expo! You remember Book Expo! It's where about 50,000 people get together to talk books. Publishers, Librarians, Authors, Booksellers... they're all there.

Last year we introduced you to Dark Horse out of Portland, the third largest publisher of comics in the United States. Yes, they publish comic books like HellBoy and Buffy and Conan and Emily the Strange. But they also publish books, have action figures, journals, lunch boxes and all sorts of cool gear. Domo stuff and Tim Burton stuff and Emily the Strange stamp of Disapproval sets. Dark Horse was one of my favorite booths last year. (for more, go to
We also introduced you to Nick Katsoris and Loukoumi. Nick is the author of the delightful children's books that follow the adventures of a little Greek sheep. Nick also created the

Dream Day contest, where 3 children wrote about what their dream day would be. The winners were just announced. Nine-year-old Sophie wants to be a space engineer, so she is spending the week-end (Memorial Day) in Pasadena, watching the Phoenix land on Mars!! Eight-year-old Lionel will spend the day at Giant Stadium with the New York Red Bulls. Can you tell he wants to be a soccer player? And Nika, from Colorado, wants to be a TV chef. So she'll go to New York to cook on air as well as watch a taping of Rachel Ray, and actually meet her.
The book, named one of the best products of 2007 by iParenting Media, teaches children they can be anything when they grow up, if they work hard and believe in themselves. Check your local bookstore or to find out more.
And who could forget Carol and Phil White? They took us on the Road Trip of our Dreams! This vagabond couple convinced us that we could go traveling for the same price as staying at home. Now in its second printing, their book "Live Your Road Trip Dream" is a wealth of information on how to get on the road... from the first glimmer of an idea, to dealing with issues on the road. Plus, their website is jam-packed with worksheets and resources and tips and information. Go here for more.
So who will we introduce you to this year? Hard to say. But with a zillion exhibits, half a zillion authors and interesting people galore, you know we'll all be in for a treat. This year the Expo is being held in Los Angeles and Producer Darlene Cunningham will be along. She'll be blogging on our MySpace page with Photographer Nicholas Beatty capturing it all on film.
Plus, our good friend Dr. Susan has a book up for a Foreward award this year. You can bet we'll be at the ceremonies, cheering for Dr. Susan's Kid's-Only Weight Loss Guide.
Join us for OUR road trip adventure!